This is SAM refit version of simple but aesthetic late medieval style Knight Armor (LE Download/ SE Download) by Medtech, adapted from Afrotoast42/ ArwingXL's Witcher 2 Armors Collection. This mod includes 105 new standalone weapons. You have 50sets of armor to choose from and it will be quite challenging for you because all of them are best. This armor is quite user-friendly and many players love to have this set of armor. 4 Recolored versions of Dragonscale Armor. 30.9K Downloads Updated Created Nov 16, 2011. Dragonscale Armor Recolor - 4 Sets Complete. This mod releases all vanilla and modded armor, clothing, and jewelry for use by children. This is a port of Armor and Clothing for Kids for Oldrim by PlagueHush to Skyrim Special Edition.